Femdom - freedom of image female

Fetish woman
In the present Western culture 
women can manage their image and aesthetics in total freedom, instead, the corresponding freedom of men is circumscribed in the laces of restrictive social norms ; probably, the development of this evident discrimination is occurred during the spontaneous elaboration of cultural heritages that gradually have generated this visible imbalance legitimized in informal manner by the community and fed by the educational precepts, mass media and industries. 

Essentially, the social paradigm related to the concept of beauty is founded on the sublimation and free expression of aesthetics and feminine eroticism opposed to the skinny freedom of male image, and the Femdom exploits this female privilege with surgical premeditation that can undoubtedly influence many men... 

Male Transvestism
This social paradox has created two anomalies that cooperate in silent and veiled way to the progressive growth of Matriarchy and Femdom :


1  -  Female Fetishes
the beauty is commonly perceived to the feminine and its elitist cosmos contains all the aesthetic creativity that the fashion and industries offer predominantly to women, and this is the exact cause that generates the female fetishes that innumerable men idealize in the stockings and footwear, underwear and clothing, handbags and accessories, ornamental jewellery and cosmetics, hairstyles and hats, but also in the overall freedom of aesthetic expression of women within the community; of course, all this produces a minimum of concealed envy of men, but their intimate awareness is not enough to balance these discrimination because they have legitimate and deep roots in the unofficial social conventions, therefore women can conveniently speculate on these inconsistencies (fetishes) to corroborate the actions directed to the evolution of female emancipation, matriarchy and Femdom.

Male Transvestism
- Male Transvestism
the submerged ritual of male transvestism is a sociocultural phenomenon very widespread and strictly linked to the absence of a true aesthetic freedom of the men complementary to that of women who instead express themselves freely in the full social consensus, in fact doesn't exist an equivalent female phenomenon... 

the male transvestism is tolerated by the community
but in reality the social conventions limit it in a very narrow sphere of action that basically means to practice it privately with possible senses of guilt, inadequacy, disorientation and other effects caused from conflicts with own educational precepts and current social norms which marginalize the intrepid men who overcome its insidious borders... therefore, the women can ride with success also the extensive phenomenon of male transvestism...

The expansion of this visible female freedom occurs for contagion and is supported from its enchanting surrogates that, together, act on the male psyche in all levels of the community and the widespread phenomenon of male transvestism is the most significant testimony... 

Overall, even this peculiar empowerment of women can concretely contribute to the affirmation of eminent female leaderships capable of building a concrete matriarchal hierarchy that goes to resize the patriarchy and belligerent social ideologies, and since the noble purpose justifies the means, also the Femdom is a sparkling idea...

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