Femdom and Feminism

Feminist woman
In Western society the feminism has certainly contributed to the strengthening of female identity, at acquisition of multiple rights and to the decay of phallocratic power, in fact, the new female generations are more assertive and have invaded many areas that were primarily masculines, in addition, Women have consolidated their erotic power and monopolized the freedom of aesthetic expression in the community to the detriment of that male...

Moreover, the syndrome of feminism has also influenced the process of regression of many neuralgic male powers now managed with greater efficiency by authoritative Women.

Then also exist the male-bashing
a less flashy social phenomenology that in a subliminal way insinuates the debasement of the male erotic symbology, and instead in an explicit way emphasizes the positivity and legitimacy of the female erotic symbology

The male-bashing is invisible, 
but it is an emblematic and current social reality which is probably generated by spontaneous cultural elaborations, so it is not an achievement of feminism, however, the most cunning Women can take advantage also of this natural phenomenology...

Erotic woman
All the conquests of feminism 
(also the male-Bashing) are impressed into substrates of the social conventions from which act with influential authority also on the masculine perceptions who despite having the sensation of the swirling flood are prone to a formal and mild awe... and in these spaces the Femdom reflects its ideologies...

Therefore, the Femdom proliferates and evolves even navigating on the waves of these social details, going to enchant many men who idealize a charismatic woman, dominant, inflexible, decisive, sexy, erotic, transgressive and so on ... a unlikely Mythological Woman from venerate and to which subdue the manly concupiscence, occasionally, as lifestyle, or for love...

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