Conjectures Femdom

Femdom lifestyle
for many motives a woman can choose the Femdom as lifestyle or how occasional experience, then, I will try to enumerate some reasonable suppositions that motivate the choice : 

Accept and intimately satisfy their own nature

Complementary to the usual way of life

Counterbalance the social hierarchy of affiliation

Continue a matriarchal heritage, or a lineage

Turn away certain sentiments or perceptions that cause frustration

Satisfy the senses of revenge or latent grudges 

Empirical exploration for expand the knowledge and discover new scenarios

Quench the narcissism, slight or innate  -  Enrich a hedonistic lifestyle

Exorcise the male chauvinism  -  Pragmatic opportunism, personal or professional 

Cathartic fun, for pure gratification and drain the psychophysical tension

Female domination
The schematic hypotheses already make an idea related to the causes why a Woman chooses the Femdom, but each hypothesis requires a minimum of analysis for the purpose of avoiding misunderstandings, and surely I will do it in the next post.

I swear that I will not be long-winded, and to the writing will add numerous complementary and exhaustive images for cheer the analysis of these hypotesis. In this regard, I'd take inspiration also from your comments.

For the tales and stories about femdom, female domination and female supremacy, I will create a special section.

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