Women and the ancient immanence with nature

women and matriarchy
In ancient communities the men had considered the Woman as a Goddess that generates life without male participation (parthenogenesis), in addition, the menstrual cycle has contributed to fuel the mystery, because the men were bleeding only with accidental injuries, and not once a month...

These ancient cultures have lived peacefully and in harmony with the social principles of type matriarchal namely oriented to the needs of Women that had the absolute power of procreation. Then, the men have discovered their small but essential role in reproductive genesis... so they have decided to impose the patriarchy that has prevailed until our days...

men and patriarchy
Have elapsed millenniums
but the immanence of the feminine nature has not changed, in fact, the demanding events related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the childbirth and lactaction are still exclusive women's prerogatives that from time to time it is good to emphasize :

The mysterious spark of new life 
begins in the brief joy of the copulation... but pursues its wonders in the privileged womb of women in which has origin the miraculous union of two cells, and in that instant commences a extraordinary osmosis migratory that creates incessant and consequential phenomena up to the complex human creation, even today inexplicable and ineffable…

women and immanence with nature
The carnal and cognitive custodians of this prodigious privilege are the women, moreover, the men can not sensibly perceive the daily and endogenous biological evolution of pregnant women, and this is not a fault, but rather an objective observation pertinent to gender roles that nature has designated, therefore, from all this the men are naturally excluded by millennia...

These immeasurable and natural events are again perceived with a excessive embarrassment and a antediluvian puritanism, however, the warlike scenes of video games, the aggressive details of news and movies, the brutal wars, etcetera... they are colloquial themes...

A greater social sublimation of these ancient women's prerogatives could lead the current communities towards a primordial and harmonious matriarchy ?  maybe not, and in which case forward with a healthy feminism, and why not, even with the Femdom...

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